Working with nomads means that one also has to be somewhat nomadic. All church business involving more than the local church involves travel, transport logistics and time.
This week on Thursday, 11 Sept, we are all piling into the Landy.
Destination: Laisamis (on the Great North Road, somewhere between Isiolo and Marsabit).
Occasion: Branch Church Meeting and Leadership Training.
Who is going: The whole family. Daddy Grant is teaching at the Leadership Training and attending the Branch meeting. Mommy Loki is helping with cooking for the men. Caity and Abby will go and play camping in their tent.
Others attending: Elders from the various churches in our Branch. Our friends, the Knowles, from Ngurunit will also be there, Temple attending meetings and Beth and their daughter Morgan coming to cook. We are expecting about 30 participants.
Estimated time of arrival: We hope to be there by lunchtime, Thursday. We will set up camp on the church compound and get the fires going. All the cooking will be done on an open fire, as no other facilities are available.
Estimated time of return: Depending on the Branch meeting's length, we hope to be back Sat 13 Sept in the evening. Last time the guys arrived around 10 at night!
Our expectations: We are looking to the Lord Jesus to bless these meetings with individual growth in people's lives and with progress in terms of resolving some of the sticky issues the Branch has had to deal with. We trust Him to inspire some of the men to make some tough decisions and stick to them, because that is what the Bible asks of them.
Your participation: We VALUE your prayers for this event. For the teachers, for us who cook and for participants to come with prepared hearts.